Repair of category 3U Engineering Structures of the highways agency of Isle-sur-la-Sorgues

1 3U isle sur sorgue

In 2007, the department of Vaucluse carried out an inventory and assessment program in respect of its structures in order to take an inventory report on its stock of structures and to set up a database to assist in the management of these structures. A program of repairs was launched as a result in respect of a large number of structures within category 3U (IQOA classification). These engineering structures, owned by the highways agency of Isle-sur-la-Sorgues, are stone bridges with serious defects such as mouldings and tympanum walls becoming detached, cracks and fractures, impermeability problems, encroachment of vegetation, and so on.

Client & Project Manager


Principal features

2 3U isle sur sorgues

Pre-project studies, project studies and tender document in respect of the replacement of 2 stone structures by a frame bridge. Pre-project and project studies in respect of the repair and reinforcement of the other 2 stone structures.

  • Stone structures
  • Maximum opening 4m
  • Category IQOA: 3U


DIADES’ task

4 3U isle sur sorgues

DIADES managed the project studies relating to 4 structures, as follows:

  • Pre-Project program for each of the 4 structures,
  • Repair and reinforcement project for 2 structures,
  • Replacement projet for 2 structures,
  • Tender documents for the replacement of 2 of the structures by frame bridges.

Download the project sheet