Property management and maintenance policy

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GPM NSN was established as an independent port on 1 April 1966 and was transformed into a grand port maritime (a public authority responsible for managing a sea port) by order n° 2008-1035 of 9 October 2008. GPM NSN has a varied portfolio spread over a wide geographical area. In order to ensure the optimal level of service, this portfolio requires organised supervision, targeted maintenance and modernisation works according to the manager’s requirements and to the life span of the relevant buildings and infrastructures. Within this context, the GPM NSN instructed DIADES to assist it by drafting a policy for the optimal management and maintenance of all its property

Client & Project Manager


Principal features

  • Property consisting of 118 buildings, 134 land infrastructures and 215 maritime infrastructures

DIADES’ task

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Starting from an understanding of GPM NSN’s different properties (buildings and maritime and land infrastructures), DIADES developed a specific method of management based on technical, economic, strategic and environmental criteria suited to the particular features of GPM NSN’s portfolio. As well as dealing with the objectives relating to the safety of users, the durability of the buildings and infrastructures and the maintenance or improvement of the service provided, the method ranked and prioritised the properties to enable the manager to produce the optimal budget program for its portfolio. In conjunction with the way GPM NSN currently operates, a functional organisation has been proposed to enable the customised implementation of this supervision program.

Download the project sheet