Expert report with drone


EDF New Energies wishes, in the framework of its economic analysis site, to make a review of the current state of its Photovoltaic plant. Located in the department of Aude (11), a surface area of 23 hectares and over 70,000m² of exposure surface, the park has an annual production capacity of 9175MWh since it was put into service in 2008.

Client & Project Manager

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Principal features

To complete this particular mission, we equipped the Diadès drone with a thermal camera. It detects faulty elements which show particularly increased heat on the surface of the photovoltaic panel.

  • Surface area: 23 ha
  • Number of Units: 95 000 units
  • Type: First Solar units
  • Installed capacity: 7MWc

DIADES’ task

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Our mission consisted of performing a technical and detailed inspection of a part of the photovoltaic field.
Thus, we have established a general condition in terms of:

  • Taking pictures with the high definition camera, for any damage present on the area to be inspected ,
  • Thermal imaging camera controls (infrared technology) and reconciliation of the physical observations with the thermal rendering.

Download the project sheet