Initial detailed inspections of Engineering Structures



The A65 motorway links the A62 Bordeaux/Toulouse motorway to the A64 Bayonne/ Pau/Toulouse motorway. It also serves Mont-de-Marsan. The end of the works and the scheduled timeframe for putting the motorway into use required interim rapid inspection reports to be produced.




Project Manager

Project managers central section :
Consortium Ingérop – Arcadis – Coteba

Principal features

The initial detailed inspections carried out by DIADES enabled the project manager to put the A65 motorway into operation within the timeframe set by the Client, owing to the fact that the visits and reports, which were carried out in record time upon completion of the works, assisted with post-works acceptance procedures and the finish of the structures prior to the motorway being put into service.

  • Duration of licence: 60 years
  • Planned period of construction: 46 months
  • Investment: approximately €1.2 Billion
  • Length: 150 km
  • Cross section: dual carriageway with 2 x 2 lanes
  • 2 motorway interchanges
  • 10 entry/exit roads (2 of which are deferred)
  • 2 motorway services
  • 4 rest areas
  • Earthworks: 17.6 million m3 to move between now and 2010
  • 150 engineering structures including 15 viaducts

DIADES’ task

DIADES carried out initial detailed inspections of the engineered structures of the central section of the A 65 motorway including 4 PICF type structures (closed-frame underpasses), 1 PIPO type structures (underpasses with open crossbeam), 26 PRAD structures (bridges made using prestressed concrete beams), 2 MATIERE conduits and 11 mixed-materials structures varying between 40 and 250 m in length.


Download the project sheet