Detailed inspections on the department road network of the Conseil Général de la Drôme

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Le tunnel des Grands Goulets is located between Echevis and Saint-Martin-en-Vercors  in the department of Drôme (26). As part of the works being carried out to departmental road RD 518, the tunnel des Grands Goulets was put into service in June 2008. It is a particular structure with a thoughtfully-designed architecture.

Client & Project Manager


Principal features

The inspection of the tunnel was carried out using a mobile 22-metre negative boom lift which enabled a thorough examination of the defects, including those situated overhead.

  • 1,710-metre tunnel1,683 m of which are underground
  • Width: 7m
  • Height: 4.3 m

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DIADES’ task

DIADES carried out an initial detailed inspection of:

  • the entire tunnel,
  • the equipment,
  • the upstream and downstream tunnel entrances.

The periodical detailed inspection carried out by DIADES revealed the original defects and the need for specific treatment to some areas.

Download the project sheet